Monday, October 6, 2008

Progress Reports and Parents

Today I'm entering progress report grades. Our district has a new computer system that everyone is still getting used to. Unfortunately, some of the grades that I planned on using were entered in to the computer too late. The "class participation" marks that I was going to use to boost some grades are now not eligible. Hmmm, oh well. It is unusual that I fear the wrath of the parents of students to whom I give low grades? I suppose that its not my fault that their child doesn't do homework...ever. Parents scare me. How do others get over this?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Deal with parents the same way you deal with the students, show no fear. If they sense that you're scared they will eat you up like mosquitos on a hot July day. Explain that you didn't GIVE these grades to your students, they EARNED it. Stand by your convictions and don't be bullied into anything, EVER!